The purchase of a home or property is generally the largest financial transaction of your life. When things go wrong and you experience major construction defects with your home or property, you need the experience and expertise of an attorney familiar with these specific legal issues as well as access to experts in the construction industry.
We have experience in litigation involving claims related to roofs, windows, water penetration, insulation, mold, siding, structural failures, mechanical systems, sewer systems and sea walls.
At Savo, Schalk, Corsini, Warner, Gillespie, O’Grodnick & Fisher, we approach these issues with intelligence and understanding to help solve your problems when something goes awry with your construction. You may develop problems with your roof, siding, water penetration, mold, pest infestation, flood damage, defective windows, drainage and construction. If these problems occur, please call us today to discuss how we can help you.
Please call us today at 908-526-0707 or contact us online to discuss your legal needs.